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Wenonah Wins State Cosmetology SkillsUSA Competition for Third Straight Year

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024 the Wenonah High School Cosmetology SkillsUSA members competed in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies Leadership Contest in Mobile, Alabama. 

The team is known now for its 3PEAT because they have won first place in this contest for three consecutive years and have represented the State of Alabama in the National SkillsUSA contest. The team will travel to Atlanta, Georgia in June to make their third appearance in the National SkillsUSA conference . 

Team members are Shuntasia Williams (school’s Valedictorian) LuKeiyah Johnson(senior) Marietta Barnes ( junior), Kaitlyn Amison ( junior), Zahvia Ward ( junior) Erica Holt ( junior) and Jacqueline Watson (sophomore). SkillsUSA Advisor: Lila Watts-Williams.

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