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Wenonah High School's Jobs for Alabama's Graduates Chapter Shines in National Career Association Competitive Events

The outstanding achievements of the students from Wenonah High School's Jobs for Alabama's Graduates (JAG) Chapter were on display at the National Career Association (NCA) Competitive Events held on February 6.

The talented students showcased their prowess in various categories, with commendable performances from Lamardric Richardson in Employability Skills, Dana Scott in Career Preparation Presentation, and Sean Ash in Prepared Speaking.

With their remarkable skills and presentations, Scott and Ash have earned the opportunity to advance to the state competition on March 5th.

Expressing her elation, JAG Specialist Dana Marshall commended the students for their hard work, determination, and dedication to the NCA.

"It is truly inspiring to witness the commitment and excellence demonstrated by our students,” said Marshall.

The school administration, faculty, and parents extend their best wishes to Dana Scott and Sean Ash as they prepare to represent Wenonah High School on the state stage. The entire Wenonah community is rallying behind them, anticipating their success and potential qualification for the National Competition.

Last fall, Wenonah High School's inaugural Jobs for Alabama's Graduates (JAG) Chapter embarked on a journey of skills development and personal growth. JAG is committed to equipping students with essential skills for successful futures. The program focuses on employability, career development, and leadership training, empowering students to overcome challenges and achieve their full potential.

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